Today I'm happy to share another sneak peak with you. This time of a fan-dream-come-true: The complete collection of Carl Barks' Warner comics.
"Carl Barks Bruno Björn och vänner"
A thick book including all of Barks' Barney Bear, Benny Burro, Porky Pig, Happy Hound and Droopy stories!
Even those he only wrote and Harvey Eisenberg illustrated are included.
Most of these has been shot from pristine proofs thanks to Ulf Granberg. Beeing an editor for the Scandinavian edition of Tom & Jerry in the 80's he ordered these stories from Western publ. and ran them in T&J. And most important, he kept them unaltered with the logos intact.
So, with a few exceptions where proofs couldn't be located, what you'll find in the book are the best presentation and reproduction of these stories ever! Prefaces by Geoffrey Blum and Ulf Granberg.
Can you tell I'm excited? :)
Here are some low resolution scans from our printers proof, just to show you what the coloring will look like.

And some samples in black and white. Click to enlarge. See how sharp and crisp the lines are. :)

Beautiful, eh?
The book will be released in Sweden late March/early May.
It can be pre-ordered HERE.
I'm not sure when the other Scandinavian countries will publish their versions. And as far as I know, no american edition is planned.
Now for something completely different. A quick quiz.
What does Barks refer to here? Googling is cheating... ;)

I think it is the lyrics to a song, but I may be wrong...
He refers to a song, yes.
It's a Cole Porter song, "Don't Fence Me In"
Bravo! You got it!
And where's the girl?
.. the girl from a Cole Porter son...
Steamboat: I guess you mean "song" and not "son"? ;)
i like them
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