
Saturday 31 August 2013

Fake $crooge

Fake Barks art can be found in the oddest of places. This piece was found on the Carl Barks Fanclub website! 

Compare it to the drawing on the cover to Uncle Scrooge in Color and you can easily see that the above piece is a rather clumsy tracing with a fake signature.

BTW: Where is this Scrooge image taken from?

Speaking of drawings that are not by Barks: The seller hailtotheseahawks recently *sold* two of the forgeries that "redwoodangels13" tried to sell some time ago on eBay. Be aware of this seller!

Sunday 4 August 2013

The Wright Mouse

Bill Peckmann was kind enough to to mail me a few more scans of Bill Wright's artwork (And a Harvey Eisenberg page.) that I thought you might enjoy.

Bill says:
"As a 7 year old kid, this MM was comic book reading at it's best! Looking at it now, there seems to be a very heavy Flash Gordon influence of the day.
 Quite an issue, Bill and Harvey Mickey Mice!"

Cover by Eisenberg. (?)

Art by Harvey Eisenberg.

Friday 2 August 2013

DD - Specially for Sweden

Check this out! Fellow cartoonist David Liljemark just mailed me this pic of an old orange box. "Donald Duck  Specially for Sweden". Never seen any of these before. I bet very few of them have survived.

If any Donald Duck (or orange) collector wants this, David told me it's for sale! Just drop him a mail: davidliljemark /at/