
Friday, 16 January 2009


Issue 5 of the swedish Agent X9 this year will run a Secret Agent X9 (Agent Kelly in Swedish) story by Mel Graff from 1952.
But... now let's see what you have to say about the artwork posted here:

The adventure begins on February 16 with Wilda (Anne) giving birth to Philda (Paula) and the strip is signed by Graff. On Feb 22 Phil (Paul) says to Wilda that he's going away on a mission.
Then between Feb 25 and April 5 the strips are unsigned. And it's two of thise you can see above. Then on April 7 we are back where we left off on Feb 22. Looks like this is one of the fill in stories that Paul Norris did. But since I'm no expert on Norris style it woild jut be fun to see if anyone can confirm that this is one of his stories.

Before leaving the subject of Secret Agent X9 I have to show you these two panels from the sequence that ends this adventure. What you see are aged versions of Phil Corrigan and Wilda. :)


  1. Jag är på intet sätt expert men Norris hade en tendens att inte riktigt koppla ihop skelettdelarna på rätt sätt och jag tycker att jag ser en del av det i dom här stripparna. I första bilden så ser vänsterhanden lite mystisk ut. Pekfingret är inte riktigt på rätt plats och förstaleden ligger lika lång ut som långfingret. På tredje bilden ser vänsterarmen besynnerligt lång ut. Det skulle mycket väl kunna vara Norris.

  2. I'll have a look at these precise dates, but I have Rodlaw Willard for that year... and many samples as well.

  3. Ah... I am mistaken again... taking Scorchy Smith for Secret Agent X-9. I am new at all this, just looking around like a kid in a candy shop. Don't tell me you have also already seen the Milt Caniff illustation of Patricia Wentworth's serialized book Nothing Venture I found and considered a real unicum?

  4. I don't think I've seen the Caniff illustration you mention.
    Please post it on your blog! :)

  5. Si. El trazo semeja el de Norris; un comiquero mediocre del que sólo destacan algunas planchas de Jungle Jim. Su labor prolongando Brick Bradford es lamentable. En el trazo de pincel se acusa su rigidez. Con los rostros tampoco acierta.
    Su labor en el King Features sería un misterio si las strips aventureras no cayeran tan bajo en los años ´50.
