
Tuesday, 10 March 2009


Hmm... I wonder if Herge ever saw these illustrations. They were made for a competition in Swedish kids magazine "Kamratposten", published in January 1963. The artist is not named on these pages, and I have no idea who it is.
I doubt that they would be able to print these today without beeing sued. :)


  1. But didn't Tintin run in the magazine during the competition? At least they paid for the rights to run the comics, but I'm unaware on how the rules were at that time for additional use of the character.

  2. Yes, they ran Le Sceptre d'Ottokar at that time.
    But I don't think this artwork was given the green light by Studio Herge.
    Or maybe I'm all wrong?
    Any Tintin experts out there?

  3. Did Studios Hergé have the rights of the characters in the 60's, and not Casterman?

  4. I think you should show this to Björn Wahlberg.

  5. Interesting. I have an old 91:an magazine from the fifties, and on the back of its cover is a similar competition, but in this case it's 91:an and 87:an hiding in the woods. The styles are resemblant so it's probably done by the same artist.

  6. It's interesting to see Tintin drawn in this style. Apparently, the artist had access to the Franch original edition of "Tintin in Tibet" (which wasn't translated into Swedish until 1967-68 in this magazine, Kamratposten, and as album (book) one year later, 1969.

  7. Hej. Jag glömde tacka för det här inlägget som jag använde mig av här.
