
Monday, 6 April 2009

A hare and lots of bags

The painting above used to hang in my grandparents home. I saw it all my childhood and after they both passed away was happy to get it. Actually, nobody else in the family wanted it. No masterpiece but it's quite large and actually the only piece I have from my grandparens home. It was made by Nils Björkquist in 1964.

From one thing to another: here's another photo from my apartment.
I decided to clean the kitchen last weekend and discovered that I had a billion bags in my drawers and under the sink. I've just been hoarding them for years, always buying new ones instead of using the ones I got... (This must be the most boring pic I've ever posted on this blog. Why am I posting this...?)
Oh, well, at least I found one with a Daniel Branca drawing on it...


  1. Håkan / Wakuran6 April 2009 at 15:33

    Yeah, bags all over. I recognize that.

  2. To tell the truth I miss the days when stuff was all over the floor of my now that I am grown, married and respectable I keep junk all over the garage floor instead. That's why it's hard to find the right book or piece of art when I want it. Just like the old days.

  3. I like the bag photo! Nice painting, I have an old oil painting in my living room that was my grandparents too! I used to see it at their house since I was born, when they passed no one wanted it, except me... Fun Blog, thanks!
