
Wednesday 11 July 2007

More on DD46

I just couldn't resist...
Maybe Barks layout looked something like this?
Dull enough to make the editor change it...
Notice that I made the nephews lean forward a bit to make the direction clearer.
Studying the published version I saw that some of the lines close to Donald's beak must come from Barks original version. So I had no other option than to place one of the nephews there. Knowing that Donald had to be at the far right and one of the nephews that close to him I saw no other logical oprions than this one.
Feedback on this theory is welcome.

(I just know what my girlfriend will be thinking when she reads this and the previous post: "He's such a cute little nerd!"...
I miss you my love! Hug!)

1 comment:

  1. "He's such a cute little nerd!" -U read my mind dear! ;P I miss u too! Hug!
