
Saturday 21 July 2007

Fanny restored

Here's one for Gabriel and Sofia!

Took the colored scan of the first Ethel Hays Flapper Fanny panel in the earlier post. Isolated the black line art. Made some restoration in Photoshop and ta-da, here's a restored version of that panel in glorious black and white. (Click to enlarge. Save it, print it and put it on your fridge.)

However, I think I prefer the version where you still can see the yellowed paper. This almost becomes too clean for an 80 year old cartoon...

Myself I'm having trouble drawing Emma & Sara this week.
Trying to come up with a simpler and faster drawing style to make ends meet, but so far everything looks like crap. Working with simple shapes and stylized backgrounds. Might post a sample here just to get some reactions. Or maybe not. We'll see...


  1. Hello from almada Portugal
    Have a nice day

  2. Nice work! If the pure line art is to clean for your taste it is also possible to remove only the color and keep only the yellowed news print. I guess pretty much anything is possible in Photoshop.
