
Thursday 28 January 2010

Holdaway and voting

As reported before, the Swedish edition of Agent X9 now runs Holdaway's Modesty Blaise, with strips mostly scanned straight from original art. On the Swedish X9 blog editor Johan Kimrin recently added a few samples of how the syndicate proofs looks (top) and what the strip looks like when scanned from original art (bottom). Here's a sample from the recently released issue featuring "The Vikings" by Jim Holdaway. (Click to enlarge. Remember that this is just a low rez jpg. Quality in print is even better.)

For more click HERE!

There's also voting going on. Wich Agent X9 cover from 2009 do you like the best?
It's still possible to vote a few more days. So if you want to help the editor when it comes to the direction of future covers please vote! Even if you are living outside Sweden your input will be appreciated!
To vote just click HERE.
(Click the white dot next to the number and then click the button below all the covers that says Rösta/Vote. The you'll see the results so far. )


  1. Det hade varit ännu mer tydligt – iallafall för de ickesvenska läsarna (men hur många är det?) – att jämföra med Titan-utgåvan.
    Där är allt bara... paj.

  2. Joakim Gunnarsson29 January 2010 at 03:37

    Jo, där är allt bara hemskt.

    In english: Compared to the Titan edition even the syndicate proofs here looks fine.
    The Titan books, BTW, seems to be just a low resolution sampling of the worst available MB material. Stay away from those editions, is my advice. /Joakim.
