
Sunday 19 February 2012

Loomis week...

... is almost over but here are a few odd items, that I guess only the hardcore Loomis collectors are aware of. Enjoy!

May 17, 1931

September 13, 1931

The Dionne Quintuplets "Out For Fun", 1951

For more Andrew Loomis make sure to grab Illustration Magazine #20!
And if you don't have the old Looms books Titan Books are now reprinting them as facsimile editions. Check them out by clicking HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm lucky enough to own a first edition of "Creative Illustration" purchased by my Mum for my 12th (!) birthday--a coupla years back she told me she paid £50 (this was 1991)! It's been an indispensable aid for me, such a wonderful, thorough tome. gonna pick up the "Fun With A Pencil" and "Drawing the Human Head and Hands" reprints, I reckon....
