
Friday 8 February 2013

The trouble with Buz

Seems that the new volume of Roy Crane's Buz Sawyer got the same problems as the first one. (Covered in THIS post.)
Check out the review for vol 2 on Amazon by clicking HERE. Guess we have a case of low res scanned screen tones from bad sources again? 


  1. This is awful bad news. Shame on Fantagraphics! They've just become like any other producer of consumers' goods: Profits, profits, profits and to hell with anything else!

  2. Not sure what the reviwer is talking about. The reproduction in volume 2 is quite good. Much improved over the first book.

  3. Anonymous: Please scan and send me some samples from the book. 600dpi black and white will do fine.
    ( sekvenskonst at telia dot com )
    I can then do a comparison with previous reprints and post the results here on the blog. I'd be very happy if the case is that the quality is good! :)

  4. Yes, dear Anonymous, please do this.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    That will be a big help to everybody.

    I must add, though, that the reviewer in question, Diego, is very knowledgeable on the subject and has pretty well covered the pros and cons of scanning, restoring, digitizing comics from old proofs, originals, printed materails, etc..., especially in the case of drawings done on Craftint Duotone paper. He has written a great piece of comic technique science... And his article should be hung on the walls of all the re-publishers and their collections edotors. Scott McCloud and all the others can go back to school.

  5. Joakim,
    Do you know Amazon seems to have removed the review by Diego on Buzz Sawyer?

  6. Didn't know. But as the quality of the strips in the book was good it's probably a good thing.
