I just got my copy if the new Arf book - Clean Cartoonists Dirty Drawings.
It's chock filled with gorgeous artwork and dirty stuff by some of the greatest cartoonists from the past 100 years.
Do I have to mention that I love it? :)
Here's what Last Gasp writes about the book:
By day their cartoon creations included Mickey Mouse, Superman, Beetle Bailey, Betty and Veronica, Wonder Woman, Batman, Charlie Brown, and the Cat in the Hat. But when night fell, they abandoned their pursuit of heroic deeds and good clean fun to draw the risque -- slinging ink to make kink. Collected in this volume for the first time are scores of rare, previously suppressed, underground sketches by mainstream cartoonists: Carl "Donald Duck" Barks, Steve "Spider-Man" Ditko, Otto "The New Yorker" Saglow, Chuck "Bugs Bunny" Jones, Alex Toth, Walt Kelly, Johnny Hart, Dave Berg, Syd Hoff, Ernie Bushmiller, George Herriman, Rube Goldberg, Will Eisner, Sergio Aragones, Lynn Johnston, and many more artists. These cartoons will shock and amuse you with their sexy strays from the straight and narrow! Includes a revealing foreword by underground legend R. Crumb. Mostly b&w, some color.
This special limited edition of 300 has 16 extra pages, and is signed and numbered by editor Craig Yoe and cover artist Dean Yeagle. Hardbound.
The book contains mostly artwork reproduced large with short biographical entries abuot the artists.
At some places I wish the author would have mentioned were the art was published or what it was intended for. But for the most part the art speaks for itself. A few pieces has bad reproduction, but I guess the scource material wasn't the best. The majority is reproduced crisp and clear and many straight from original art.
The only artist that was a bit dissapointing was Fred Moores entry. I know there are plenty of his good girl art out there, but here we get some common pics enlarged from the Illusion of Life book. I hope there will be more and rarer Moore work in the follow up book. There's also a regular softcover edition of this book. But then you'll miss Dean Yeagled cover pictured above.
With that said I urge you all to get it. Especially if you, like me, like brilliant cartoonists and dirty stuff.
Arf! Arf!
Coming up soon:
The dark side of Joakim. The dirty artwork from the hidden files of yours truly.
You have been warned...