Showing posts with label George Wunder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Wunder. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Terry by Wunder

Ron Goulart sold this rare print of the post-Caniff "Terry and the pirates" cast on eBay a few days ago. I forgot to bid and it sold for less than $20. One lucky bidder got it really cheap...
Anyway, I saved the image and thought I should share this nice George Wunder drawing with you. Apparently it was sent out to fans in the mid-late 40's and part of it might be hand tinted. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Wunder #2

I'm back in the studio again. :)
Having spent the past five days relaxing and just enjoying life it's time to get back to the drawingboard. And the blog. :)

I got a very interesting mail from blog reader Mike Napolitano a few days ago were he told me that he had the second of George Wunders "Terry and the Pirates" tryout dailies!!! And he asked me if I wanted to show it on the blog. :)
So here it is for all to enjoy. Thanks for sharing, Mike!

This means I've seen 7 of them now. And knowing mine is #13 there is at least 6 more...
Wouldn't it be great if all of them could see print in the last of IDW's Terry and the Pirates volumes?
So if you got one please don't hesitate to get in touch with Dean over at IDW. Or drop me a line if you want to share it here also.
If you want to see the other Wunder strips just use the labels function below this post or the Labels menue to the right.

[Edit: Hmm... I just had a look at the strips here on the blog and It might be a case of two different sets of try out dailies. One signed set and one unsigned set. All 4 of the signed strips seems to feature a storyline beginning on a train and then having Terry & Co. flee from it. The unsigned doesn't seem to hang together. Maybe Wunder did a set of dailies with no connection and then was asked to do a set with a storyline too? Who knows. The only way to solve this "mystery" is to get more pieces.]

Monday, 18 February 2008

Another Wunder try-out

The fifth of Wunders try-out strips found!

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Another Wunder

Remember those Terry and the Pirates try-outs by George Wunder that I posted on May 20?
Well, one more has turned up!
I hope that this one also will be included in the last of the Terry volumes as bonus material.

Seems that I forgot to download the large size pic of the first photo from eBay last week. Anyone else who grabbed it and wants to share it? Have searched eBays completed items but the strip seems to have vanished!?? Maybe the seller removed the listing?

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Wunders Terry try-outs

When Milton Caniff decided to leave "Terry and the Pirates" his sucessor George Wunder drew some sample strips to land the job. Wunders run on the strip began in January 1947, but the sample strips he made was to my knowledge never used. His style in these try-outs were much closer to Caniff's style than anything he ever did later.
I'd say that this was the best job he ever did on the strip.

So far I've only seen four.
One in the Street Enterprises portfolio, two in a catalouge with original art for sale and the original art for another in my drawers(!). The strip I got is marked #13 in the upper left corner.
Anyone who has seen more? Wouldn't it be great to have a set of these collected and used as bonus material in last volume of the upcoming Terry books?

Well , here are the four I'm aware of:

Also: I believe that "Adventures of Patsy"-artist Charles Raab did try-out strips for "Terry and the Pirates" at the same time. Anyone who has seen any of those and can confirm?