Any fans of Leslie Turners "Captain Easy" out there?
For years I've been aware of a sunday episode from the 50's about the cartoonist Wag Patakey trying to meet his deadline on his strip "Giddy McWaddle". A character based on both Turner himself and his mentor Roy Crane.
But it wasn't until two weeks ago I could sit down and actually read the story. (A big "Thank You!" goes out to Ron Goulart who sold me the sundays!)
For all of you who hasn't seen it, I thought it would be unfair just to keep it for myself. So, beginning today and continuing next week here are Turners sundays from 3-15 to 4-26, 1953.
(However I'm missing the 4-19 sunday to complete the storyline. Anyone out there who can help? And since the 4-26 is the last I got maybe the story continues after that one? It looks like an ending but...)

(Files big enough? Or too big?)
Here in Malmo the weather has been really bad today. Rain just pouring down. Spent an hour or two at a café reading a book and trying to plot some one page gags. Went home. Soaking wet. Read a book. Then made pasta with sun dried tomatoes, garlic and shrimps. Watched V for Vendetta. Called Hedvig who is in Eskilstuna hanging out with her good friend Maria. Checked my emails and then went to the studio where I am right now. I really should avoid working today so I'd better head home again soon...