Watch out for this volume of Walt Disney Treasures featuring "Mickey Mouse in Death Valley"!
It's scheduled for december 10 but it will be worth waiting for since you will see this adventure in a newly restored version. Details that was muddied up by cheap newsprint and not seen since the original artwork was made will now be seen. So you will want this edition even if you have the old oversized books or the German Gottfredson portfolio.
David Gerstein (editor) wrote: " What you've pictured there is the very first cover for the book, [...] It was then intended as a 128-page book at slightly smaller size, thus the $9.95 cover price.
Today it's a full-sized 168-page book, so we'll be selling it at $16.99."]
Den skulle se snyggare ut ifall den var solblekt. ;)
What you've pictured there is the very first cover for the book, from back when I first pitched the project (2004). It was then intended as a 128-page book at slightly smaller size, thus the $9.95 cover price.
Today it's a full-sized 168-page book, so we'll be selling it at $16.99.
Trust me though, it will be worth it! Slaving away on it now...
OK!! I'll update the post twith that info.
Just found the image on Amazon.com and grabbed it from there.
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