Some of you might even have seen his Captain Easy sundays from the 60's.
But how many have seen his illustration art from the 30's?
I recently bought a set of X-9 dailies from the 40's and as a surprise bonus I found a set of illustrations from the mid 30's included. I don't know wich paper they are from or if they were syndicated. Guess they were done for AP.
All the illustrations I got are heavily yellowed and torn. I really should scan and do some restoration work on these when time permits.
Anyway, here's one of them. (If I get requests I can always post a few more.)

In looking for serial illustrations by Milt Caniff, aftyer I ran across the Nothing Venture stuff I am now serializing on my blog, I have found one more by MIlton Caniss after this (late 1932). After that Grafaf takes over for one serial only (late 1932 to early 193. The images you have may be from that - or a later one. The quality you have is a lot better than my microfiche stuff (especially on the wash illustrations Graff did), so maybe we can join up?
That should be Caniff, of course. And I found your illutration. It's from episode 20 of the serial Buying Barbara by Julia Clott-Adams (billed as the 'author of You Can't Mary'), published on jan 5 1933. I have all or most of that serial on micro-fiche.
Sure! I'll try to scan and post more soon!
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