It's back to the hectic life of publishing again. :)
But as usual I'll find time to blog about this and that.

Got another unsigned Sangor Shop story that I own the original art to.
I have no idea who drew this. If anyone recognise the style from a signed story please let me know.

I've also started to scan more of my Adventures of Patsy dailies. Here are some sample panels from mid 1936 that I scanned yesterday. These are from before Patsy went to Hollywood to become a star. Mel Graff's best years as an artist was still ahead of him. Enjoy!

It looks like some of Owen Fitzgerald's funny animal comics. or maybe Lynn Karp?
Great stuff, whoever drew it!
I was going o do the whole seal week, but your scans are better than mine.
Ger: You have those from original tearsheets? Or from Newspaperarchive?
I'm scanning my tearsheets but many from this sequence got butchered by the newspaper. (Cropped panels.)
So if anyone got a better 1936 set I'm interested.
it's not Lynn Karp. The dog does look like Owen Fitzgerald's work.
Fitzerald had two signed stories in his 25 years of comic book work, so you won't find much signed, I'd say it is very likely him.
The more I look at it the more I see Owen Fitzgerald's work in it. The poses matches those he did in his other, non funny animal, comics so you are probably right.
I bought the lot because of those four Hultgren/Hubbard pages and this story was just a pleasant bonus. :)
(And I paid so little for them it felt like stealing them...)
The pages have yet to make their way here from the USA, so I just hope they wont get lost along the way...
Esto es, junto a los años iniciales de "Secret Agent X9" lo mejor de Graff. La causa de su progresivo desánimo permanece desconocida. Sus resultados prácticos fueron pobrísimos.Graff fue uno de los mejores disípulos de Caniff y Nöel Sieckles (sobre todo del último). Es una pena que su "Patsy" no conociese reediciones acordes con su nivel artístico y narrativo.
Excelente tu blog.
Un cordial saludo desde Barcelona.
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