First out is a 128 page giant featuring reprints of Bamse's time travelling stories from 1999 and 2000. It will be released on October 15 and has a new cover roughed by yours truy and with pencils and ink by Ted Johansson. Color by Lise Jörgensen.

Then we have two covers for the regular comic book.
#13/09 will be on sale next week and #14/09 on September 29.
(My roughs, Lars Bällsten's pencils, Bernt Hanson's inks and Lise Jörgensen's coloring on both. Only my layout roughs and the finished colored covers shown here.)

[Edit: The cover above was recently voted "Best Bamse cover of 2009". :) ]
Now, I gotta rush to work. It's already past eight a clock in the morning here in Sweden and "I'm late, I'm late" as the white rabbit said before he jumped through the rabbits hole...
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