Wednesday 21 December 2011

Same, same ...

... but different.
I believe the WDC cover came first.  New Funnies #94 was published in Dec 1944, a year before WDC 63. The Scandinavian edition of WDC changed the turkey into a goose to fit better with our traditions. (Images courtesy of GCDB.)

Happy holidays to you all!


Germund said...

Nope, New Funnes #94 was actually published in Dec-44, a year before WDC 63.

Joakim Gunnarsson said...

Thanx, Germund! Updated the post.

Germund said...

Actually, these two (NF #94 and WDC #63) are so similar, just mirrored, and both released by DELL, that it could be the same rough layout behind them. The look of the the turkey heads, the long bent necks, the running poses etc are just a little to similar to be a coincidence.