Havank is what I understand a series of detective stories that Daan, using the name Danier, now has begun doing adaptations of. (Or is it all new stories?) The art reminds me of Franquin at his peak. I haven't got the album myself yet but after finding some sneak peaks on the net I'll sure get it as soon as possible. It's available at www.nl.bol.com along with some more samples.

I've just started taking a 1/4 semester class in reading comprehension in Dutch at the Stockholm university. If the library buys the album, I might get some use for it... =S Jippes is a really good artist...
(After that, I'll take the pioneering 1/4 class in manga and anime - history and theory.)
Looks like there's an additional album too. Very nice. Me like! /Germund
The one with the blue cover seems to be a hardcover version of the regular album. But I hope there will be more and that they will be available in a language I can read.
By the way, have you seen the Jippes gallery at
(Dutch should be relatively easy to learn if you already know Swedish and English, though... Just a few years of hard studies, and you hardly won't have any problems... ;) )
Yes, I've found the gallery but it doesn't work for me. I'm using safari as a browser and it closes down every time I try watching the samples... :(
Pity! You think the problem's Safari in itself, and not an overload on hardware resources? Otherwise, try installing Firefox or some other additional browser, shouldn't cause any conflict.
Havank was a popular detective series here in Holland from before WWII. His stylistic choice to do this in a Franquin/Tillieux style was intentional.
He is trying to get the first album published in French, which may be easier to read for some of you. In the meantime, Daan has started work on a second story, which will be published next year. He also has been asked to do a short Spirou story in the same style.
Those of you that like Daan's work, may want to look out his studio mate Gerben Hellinga, who has a daily comic strip about a little girl with grown-up thoughts.
He met Gerbenm when thye were both working on the dutch series Jan, Jans & The Children. After the creator Jan Kruis left this popular long running series, Daan was approached to continue the weekly gag strip. He developed a style that was partly based on Jan Kruis's but used the inking stule of Tiger's Bud Blake. There is one album, that is almost all drawn by Daan.
Gerben Valkema, it's Gerben Valkema.
Sorry for that.
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