Got this message from Germund von Wowern regarding the Buck O'Rue book:
Now I've compiled a list of all the Buck O'Rue artwork Richard Huemer and I are missing to complete the book. I'm making a last attempt to locate it through a few blogs, so if you could help us by posting a search plea we'd be exceptionally grateful. Practically the entire run Jan 15, 1951 to late 1952 is ready and scanned from black/white proofs and I have already spent much of last year cleaning up the artwork.
The year 1951 is 100% complete, so all the missing art is from 1952. We're only missing one single Sunday entirely (January 20, 1952), but would like to obtain the full 12-panel versions of the following:
Feb 3
May 4
June 8,15,22,29
July 6
August 10,17,24
December 14 and later, but these were probably never even produced.
The dailies are complete Jan 15, 1951 to July 19, 1952, except the week of July 7-12, 1952. These late dailies were probably never even published in newspapers at the time, but were most likely drawn.
Anyone who can help Germund and Richard?
[Edit: a third page version of the January 20, 1952 sunday has been found. :) ]
1 comment:
Thanks Joakim! /Germund
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