In Sweden Rolf Gohs is known for his many covers to the Swedish Phantom comic book (Fantomen) and his "Mystiska 2:an". But did you know that he also did illustrations for magazines? The examples below was found many years ago when I as a kid found old magazines in deserted houses in the countryside. They are probably from the late 50's or early 60's. Dunno wich magazine thy are from. Lektyr?
Got a few more that I will post if there's interest. Enjoy!

Estimado Joakim:
He llegado a tu página por intermedio del blog de Wanda.
Debo felicitarte, son muy interesantes tus comentarios al igual que tus dibujos.
Me gustaría incluirte en mi blog. Por último he visto que publicaste unas fotos de Angouleme del stand de Argentina y el segundo dibujo es inconfundiblemente de Divito, dibujante que impuso toda una moda en los años ´50 y dibujó un estilo de mujer muy famoso para esa época.
Te envío un fuerte abrazo y una vez más felicitaciónes.
Here's a "Babelfish" translation of Fabians post:
" Dear Joakim: I have arrived at your page by interval from blog of Wanda. I must felicitarte, are very interesting your commentaries like your drawings. I would like incluirte in my blog. Finally I have seen that you published photos of Angouleme of stand of Argentina and the second drawing is unmistakably of Divito, sketcher who imposed all a fashion in the years ´50 and drew a very famous style of woman for that time. I send a strong hug once again to you and felicitaciónes. Fabian."
Yes! Divito was the name!
Thanks for letting me know.
Glad you like the blog. :)
Hey, that Babelfish translation was quite acceptable...
Just some words it missed:
felicitarte = congratulate you
incluirte = include you
felicitaciónes = congratulations
Otherwise, the translation is (naturally) strange, but the gist of the message is conveyed.
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