It was created in 1943 by Runé Andréasson, the man behind Bamse. And here we can see the very first strip. It was published early 1944, but the version seen here is a slightly altered reprint from a later date.

Then a big jump to the 1960's when the strip was at it's peak.

The strip ended in the late 60's and here we have a strip from the last adventure: Brum i gottlandet (Brum in candyland). Some of you might recognise Lakritstrollet from Rune Andréassons other comic Pellefant.He actually made this story in 1948 but shelved it and re drew it as the last adventure. The original unpublished version will be printed in Bamse-biblioteket volume 30. (Hardcover book collecting old Bamse comics and rare stuff by Rune.)
The Candyland strip is followed by the very last strip.

Please check out both Bamse-biblioteket vol 29 and 30 for large bonus sections with lots of rare Brum material. I think 29 is out any day now and 30 in a few months.