And today I'm just mad at Winsor & Newton for not making good brushes. Bought two and one split within 10 seconds. The other acts weird and drives me mad, mad, mad. Frustrating to have a deadline and only working with tools that makes your work look like junk... Groan...
Found some black and white pieces I did a few weeks ago that I had meant to upload but forgot about.
So here they are:
The first is just an attempt at drawing in a different style.

This is Morris from "Nils the Cat". Done with brush instead of with a nib, as I usually use for the cats.

And here is one attempt at drawing a "Nils the Cat" strip all by myself. I'm usually just writing and inking the strip (With Johanna K. doing the pencils.) but I did this one for fun. You can tell that I'm not the regular artist since I'm pretty much off model on every pose. But still... It was fun to do. :)

Hello, I am a Product Manager who is responsible for Winsor & Newton brushes in the United States. We noticed from a comment on your blog that you have had trouble with our product. We are sorry for the issues you have had and stand by our fine quality reputation. If it is not too much trouble, we would like more details on the problem brushes. We would also like to replace them and send them to our factory so they can be evaluated. I can be reached at . If you could not mind contacting me it would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Well, they split...
1 out of 5 that I buy actually works well.
But I'll take them back to the shop where I bought them. Hopefully I gan get two that works.
(When they work W&S is the best brand. That's why I keep trying to find ones that works.)
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