Tuesday evening in the studio. It's dark and only one lamp is burning. The one next to Joakim's drawingboard. Rain and thunder outside the window. Joakim is alone in the studio and looks through a bunch of unfinished drawings.
– Hmm... a nice little rough. Maybe I should finish it...

– Well, well... I think this actually can be a nifty piece when finished. Let's get a good brush...

– And now, let's destroy it with lots of shading!

Sigh... I should have put the brush aside before I started to clutter it up.
Well, done is done. I probably won't make the same mistake again.
Yeah, right...
The rain is still pouring down here in Malmö. Still alone in a dark studio in the Mazetti house. My colleauges were smart enough to leave before the rain. Listening to the radio and surfing the net. Police sirens from the street. More rain.
Realized today that Lina Neidenstam probably is one of the best new comic artists we got here in Sweden. Certainly one of the funniest. I'll be first in line when her Zelda album is released this autumn. Go check out her blog: Lina kan rita fint.
Well, I should probably head home for some food. And Lost! There's a new episode airing today! Must see!