Wednesday = Barksday.
Continuing the Barks posts with more stuff from Bill Peckmann's collection.
Let's continue where we left off last time. At Barks home in Goleta, 1972. This time with two fans from NYC.

Here's what Bill has to say about the photos above:
"The top photo is of your's truly and the bottom photo is of my very good friend John Verpoorten. We became friends in High School because of our love of the "Good" Duck artist (we didn't know his name at that time). We then had the terrific great fortune of visiting the Barks' in '69, '72 and '76. John died in 1977, at that time he was production manager of Marvel Comics. Still miss him to this day."
John was one of the very first fans to get Carl's address from Whitman publishing. Here we can see the letter he got from Alice Cobb in October, 1960.

John wasted no time and wrote Barks a letter. And got a fast reply! This is the very first letter he recieved from him in December, 1960.

More letters to follow.
But what's a Barks post without some ducks?
Here's a nice Barks oil that Bill mailed me.