Hello everyone who reads this blog!
Joakim here has his birthday tomorrow, so go and send him some nice comments and wish him a happy birthday! ;) Im pretty sure this image will be removed when Joakim himself finds out.. So enjoy it while u can! ;P
PS. Never leave the password to your blog in the hands of your girlfriend... Mohaha! ;P
Happy birthday! :)
Nice photo of you there. :) And happy birthday!
Hmmm... I guess I asked for a birthday surprise...
Well I guess I have myself to blame wearing things on my head and allow people with cameras in the same room.
Now let's see, what photos do *I* have... ;)
Grattis igen, det var verkligen en stilig bild! Fina bilder på Happ på brallorna också, men varför är han vit?!
You write very well.
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