Here are some more samples of the the Redwood Journal Press-dispatch comics page.
Newspaperarchive is not working properly so I have to download each and every page before I can look at them. But I hope some of you find these interesting even if the strips are mediocre. Maybe they at least can fill som gaps in the Strippers Gudie?
By August 29, 1951 the line up had changed and none of the early strips remained.
Windy Windup by Dean Fisher
Small in the saddle by Jack Taylor
Heavy Hannah by Jay
Indian Summers by Jay Ganschow
The Middles by Bob Karp and ???
Mayor McGup by John Jarvis
Laff of the week by Bob Barnes

By November 17, 1951 not ony the line up has changed but also some of the artists/writers since the August example above.
Windy Windup by Chris
Small in the saddle by Jack Taylor
Indian Summers by Bob Kirk (?)
Heavy Hannah by Bob Alexander
The Baffles by Mahoney
Mayor McGup by John Jarvis
Laff of the week by Bob Barnes

The April 19, 1952 below is a bit muddy but the line up remains.