BAMSE 6 2010 marks the "comeback" for one the best Bamse artists of the 90's: Thomas Holm. So, I thought I should give you a sneak peak of what the return to the pages of BAMSE looks like.
[If you live in Scandinavia I assume you are familar with "BAMSE - the strongest bear in the world". If you live in another part of the world I guess you've never heard of him.
To make a brief summary: Created by Swedish comic artist/writer Rune Andréasson, Bamse made his debut on the TV-screen and as a weekly sunday page in 1966. In 1973 he got his own comic book, that soon became one of the most popular in Sweden. Sales peaked in the early 90's when Egmont took over the production from Andréasson. It's still one of the top selling comic books in Sweden. Myself, I wrote my first Bamse script back in 1991 and today I'm on staff as a "project leader".]
Now, on to the sneak peak. What you'll see below are some panels with Thomas own coloring. Made as a guide for the colorists. Unfortunately, very little of his coloring made it into the final version. But here it is for you to enjoy. :)
[If you live in Sweden or Finland, where Bamse still is published, you can pick up your own copy on April 13 and compare this with the final version.]

Although this is Thomas' comeback to the pages of the BAMSE comic book he has also recently made a few Bamse childrens books, some covers and a new comic book featuring Bamse for really young kids.
It should also be mentioned that the story in 6 2010 is written by Jens Hansegård, wich is also writing scripts for the Scandinavian Donald Duck weekly.
BAMSE 6 2010 is number 498 since the start in 1973. So, number 500 is just around the corner... :)