The following examples are from Smiles #25:

Buck O'Rue

I also hope to present some samples from his and Dick Huemer's western strip "Buck O'Rue" soon.
It was published in American newspapers from January 15, 1951 to approximately January 1953, though noone seems to know exactly what date the strip folded. It was written by Disney veteran Dick Huemer and illustrated by later Disney comic book artist Paul Murry. The strip has been practically impossible to find since the 1950s, so now Richard Huemer, Dick Huemer's son, and longtime Murry fan Germund von Wowern are planning to reprint the complete Buck O'Rue in a single volume. However, they only have black and white proof sheets, i.e. the material that was sent out to subscribing newspapers, of ca 75% of the run. Richard and Germund are searching high and low for these last missing strips and pages, so if anybody knows where they may be accessible, please contact them at germund_vw (at)
The following Buck O'Rue artwork is still needed:
Daily strips: July 21, 1952 and later
1952 Sundays: Jan 20; July 13,20; Oct 7; Dec 14 and later (if they exist)
The following 1952 Sundays have been obtained as newspaper "thirds", but complete halfpage versions would be much preferred: Feb 3; May 4; June 8,15,22,29; July: 6,27; Aug 3,10,17,24
Also: Hi to the new readers in Mourrepiane (France), Lod (Israel), Houston (USA) and Vänersborg (Sweden) just to name a few. :-)
Great to have you all here!
And in case you wonder what has happened to part IV of the Emma & Sara page I can just say that I had a hangover yesterday. Didn't draw a single line. So I gotta work on it now...
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