You have been warned now.
A few years ago I drew a standard cute naked girl on a sheet of paper. The result looked like this.

Kinda cute dont you think? But I thought to myself: How many times before have I done this? Why not do something I havn' t done before. What if I should do a naked boy in the same manner as I do cute naked girls. And as I started to sketch a "story" began to take shape in my mind. Why not make a superhero out of this guy. Needless to say I never did any actual comics with this character. What you see here is all I ever did with him.

His name "Snoppo" can be translated into "Dicko" and the text on the first drawing reads: "Weakness: If Dicko gets a boner he loses his superpowers." Just like the small kid in the french Peyo stories who loses his poweres when he gets a cold. :)
And now, If you are sensitive about nudity or extremely big dicks I must ask you to cover your eyes. Otherwise enjoy. :)

Beeing influenced by Manga when I did these drawings I used Japanese language in this pic. I think it means "Pow".
Now, enough of nudity for today...
Here are some other drawings I found next to these dirty ones.
The second is actually a prelim to what eventually evolved into the final drawing below. Don't ask me how my thought process works but it does. At least some times... (The drawings below are all dated october 2005 except the first wich is from 2004.)

I guess the Japanese means "Koh!", but you seem to have misinterpreted the chracter strokes as explanation marks, so the sound effect has turned into a slightly odder "Ko!!no".
Note that "snopp" is more of children's language than "dick", though. Also, as a sidenote, the female equivalent "snippa" has quite recendly gained mainstream popularity in Sweden, particularly among the kindergarten staff.
OK! At least I now know what I wrote. ;)
And something odd has happened with blogger pics. Instead of showing larger in the same window when you click on them, they now download automatically and you see them in a quickwiew program. Strange. I hope it will be back to normal again soon.
Do I dare mention what I thought about your boy character? Nah. You probably know.
In the meantime, Blogger certainly has gone strange on us. Not only is the aperture for viewing images different, but they won't let me link to my website any longer when I enter my name...
I could mention that the Peyo character referred to here is "Benoît Brisefer", one of his main series after "The Smurfs" and "Johan et Pirlouit". It was translated into English in Giggle with the title "Tammy Tuff", and allegedly, there has been translations with the title "Steven Strong", as well, although I'd still have to corroborate that info.
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