Sunday 19 July 2009

Donald Duck and illegal downloading

A Donald Duck story published in the latest issue of Kalle Anka & C:o (Donald Duck & Co.) here in Sweden is currently beeing discussed on various internet forums.
The two pager is about illegal downloading and can be found HERE.
Now, this story, H26308, was first published in Holland, December 2007.
Was there any reaction to it there? Anyone who knows why it was made? Any special occasion?

There was also a report about it in Aftonbladet (in Swedish) wich can be found HERE.
And an open letter to the editors (also in Swedish) can be found on facebook.

Edit: Fredrik Strömberg just wrote about it on his blog.

Edit: Dagens Nyheter (One of the major Swedish newspapers writes about it HERE.


Johan A said...

Yes, I read that story earlier today and though it was really lame (as a story) and wondered whether it was just meant as a piece of propaganda.

Unknown said...

Here a reaction from the Netherlands.

Over here there was a lot of attention because some people thought it was a sponsored advertisement. Thom Roep, 'chief' of the Donald Duck weekly, denies it, telling they bought the story because they thought it was fun that the nephews were smarter than Donald. He denies any involvement of 'BREIN', a Dutch organisation which tries to defence the rights of music distributors, or any other organisation.

The story is just written for fun, has no special occasion and isn't a piece of propaganda.

Håkan / Wakuran said...

FYI, BREIN is Dutch for "brain", sounds like a backronym.

Anonymous said...

Håkan / Wakuran said...

In true pirate fashion, this comic has also been re-interpreted with a new message.

(Most text in Swedish)